Showing 1–16 of 23 results

- Aggregate Crushing value Apparatus for determining the Aggregate Crushing Value
- Specification of apparatus consists
- Specification of It consists
- A steel cylinder 75 mm dia, a plunger and a steel base plate. The surfaces coming into contact with the aggregate are case hardened.
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- Aggregate Impact Testing Machine for determining the Impact Value of coarse aggregate.
- Specification of It consists:
- Heavy circular base with two vertical guides fitted with a cross bar at the top. Hammer of 13.75 kg mass which can be raised and allowed to fall freely through 380 + 5 mm with locking arrangement. Cylindrical cup, a metal measure and a tamping rod 10 mm dia x 230 mm long
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- Blain Air Permeability Apparatus is used for determination of fineness of fineness of cements, pozzolanas and other powdery materials in terms of specific surface, which is expressed as total surface are in square centimeter per gram of the material under test.
- The apparatus comprises the following
- Standard permeability cell made of brass, 12.5 mm inside dia with one perforated metal disc and one plunger.
- A U-tube glass manometer with rubber coupling for permeability cell, mounted on a wooden stand .
- Latex rubber tubing, 20 cm long
- Filter paper discs
- 250 ml dibutyl phthalate liquid.
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We device and supply the best quality range of Cone Penetrometer which are widely used in determining the properties of soil. These equipments are designed with high accuracy and advance soil testing functions. They are superior in quality, durability and work for long functional life. These equipment are supplied to various construction sectors at cost effective price.
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As per IS-516-Steel cube Mould 2.78 (7.06 cm) for vibrating machine complete with base plate. -Cast Iron Cube Moulds complete with base plate Size 5cm x 5cm x 5cm. -Cast Iron Cube Moulds complete with base plate Size 10cm x 10cm x 10cm. -Cast Iron Cube Moulds complete with base plate Size 15cm x 15cm x 15cm.-Cast Iron.
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- Cylindrical Metal Measures as per IS: 2386 Part – III
- For determining the bulk density or unit weight of aggregates. .
- Specification of Size: 3 liter, 15 liter, 30 liter
- Cylinder made of Steel sheet material and both side carrying handle and one tamping rod 16 mm dia x 600 mm long.
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- Density Basket as per IS: 2386 part-I
- For determination of specific gravity and water absorption of aggregate.
- Made by steel wire mesh of approximate size 20 cm dia x 20 cm high with carrying handle.
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Ductility Testing Machine as per IS: 1208
Electrically Operated designed. Test three specimens simultaneously. The machine consists of a moving carriage moving over a lead screw. An electric motor driven reduction gear unit ensures smooth constant speed and continuous operation.
The entire assembly is mounted with a stainless steel lined water bath completely encased in metal bound hardwood. It is equipped with an electric pump circulator and heater. The temperature is controlled thermostatically
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- Compression Testing Machine Hand Operated as per IS:516
- Using for determination compressive strength on cube molds, mortar and concrete cubes sizes 15 cm x 10 cm, 7.06 cm x 7.06 cm and 15 cm x 30 cm cylindrical mold manually hand operated machine.
- Pumping unit with dual plunger with single dial gauge of 1000 KN cap
- Pressure gauge calibrated against M.S.M.E./ N.C.C.B.M. tested proving ring.
- use hydraulic oil in pumping unit.
- CTM machine capacity is available in hand operated model:
- 250 KN, 500 kn, 1000 KN, 2000 KN is also available in with poly hydro pump un
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- Length Gauge (Elongation Gauge) as per IS: 2386 part –II
- For determining the elongation index of coarse aggregate
- A metal plate on which 8 steel pins are vertically mounted with specified distance in between total assembly hardwood mounted base
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As Per Is:9259 is identical to but is fitted with F.H.P. motor to drive the operating mechanism of cup at 120 rpm uniformity in performing test. works on 220V,50Hz, 1ph, and is supplied with grooving tool type ‘a’ and with gauge block.
Our clients can avail from us high quality range of Liquid Limit Device precisely designed to determine the soil samples. We process these devices using optimum resources and high grade raw metals. These devices are highly durable, resistant to stain and are perfect in determination. These are best in performance and provided to various industrial sectors at comprehensive price range.
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Loading Frame
Capacity 50 KN electrically operated having constant rate of strain 50.8 mm/minute suitable for operation on 220/230 Volts, single phase A.C. Supply.
Compaction Mold
completes with interchangeable collar and base plate duly chromium plated as per latest code.
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An extensive range of Rapid Moisture Meter is offering by us to the customers as per IS 2720 (PART II) on 0-25% and 0-50% for quick determination of moisture content of material in powder form such as coal pottery slip, soil, sand , cement and many more. Acetylene gas is generated when Calcium carbide comes in contact with moisture. This principle is used in rapid moisture meter. A perfectly weighed quantity of samples is mixed with specific quantity of calcium carbide reagent and the whole mixture is thoroughly shaken in a vessel to which a pressure gauge is fixed. The acetylene gas that is produced develops pressure. The instrument specifies moisture on wet/weight basis and easily convertible to dry weight basis. It consists of a rubber sealing gasket, a pressure vessel with clamp for sealing cap, pressure gauge calibrated in percentage moisture content 0 -25% on wet weight basis, one bottle of reagent approx. 450 gram, a scoop for measuring carbide reagent, a counted poised balance for weighing sample, one cleaning brush, a steel balls for through mixing and wooden carrying box with handle.
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Used for sampling aggregates ores refr actory materials, pigments powdered coal, soap, cement etc.
Salient Features
Specifications:It consists of a sheet metal box mounted on legs and fitted with a series of chutes or equal width which discharge the material alternatively in opposite directions into separate pans. The chutes of the riffle are steep enough to allow rapid flowing of the material.
13 mm 14 Chutes
20 mm 14 Chutes
25 mm 16 Chutes
40 mm 12 Chutes
50 mm 12 Chutes
63 mm 12 Chutes
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Hot plate and magnetic stirrer, complete with one heat resistance glass water bath, two tapered rings, two balls centering guide, two steel balls of 9.5 mm dia and a ring holder. Suitable Operation on 220/230 Volts, single phase A.C. supply
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