Showing all 5 results

  • blain air permeability apparatus

    Blain Air Permeability Apparatus

    • Blain Air Permeability Apparatus is used for determination of fineness of fineness of cements, pozzolanas and other powdery materials in terms of specific surface, which is expressed as total surface are in square centimeter per gram of the material under test.
    • The apparatus comprises the following
    • Standard permeability cell made of brass, 12.5 mm inside dia with one perforated metal disc and one plunger.
    • A U-tube glass manometer with rubber coupling for permeability cell, mounted on a wooden stand .
    • Latex rubber tubing, 20 cm long
    • Filter paper discs
    • 250 ml dibutyl phthalate liquid.

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  • Cube Mould

    Cube Mould

    As per IS-516-Steel cube Mould 2.78 (7.06 cm) for vibrating machine complete with base plate. -Cast Iron Cube Moulds complete with base plate Size 5cm x 5cm x 5cm. -Cast Iron Cube Moulds complete with base plate Size 10cm x 10cm x 10cm. -Cast Iron Cube Moulds complete with base plate Size 15cm x 15cm x 15cm.-Cast Iron.
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  • Hand Operated Compression Testing Machine

    Hand Operated Compression Testing Machine

    • Compression Testing Machine Hand Operated as per IS:516
    • Using for determination compressive strength on cube molds, mortar and concrete cubes sizes 15 cm x 10 cm, 7.06 cm x 7.06 cm and 15 cm x 30 cm cylindrical mold manually hand operated machine.
    • Pumping unit with dual plunger with single dial gauge of 1000 KN cap
    • Pressure gauge calibrated against M.S.M.E./ N.C.C.B.M. tested proving ring.
    • use hydraulic oil in pumping unit.
    • CTM machine capacity is available in hand operated model:
    • 250 KN, 500 kn, 1000 KN, 2000 KN is also available in with poly hydro pump un

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  • slump test appratus

    Slump Test Apparatus

    • Slump test apparatus as per IS: 7320-1974
    • The apparatus consists of one slump cone with handle and foot pieces .
    • The slump cone has internal dimensions 20 mm dia at base 10 cm top and 30 cm height.
    • Foot pieces can be fixed to the clamps on the base plate. The base plate has lifting handle for easy transportation
    • one graduated steel rod 16 mm dia x 600 mm long rounded at one end and graduated from 0 to 15 cm in 0.5 cm spacing to measure the slump.
    • CTM machine capacity is available in hand operated model:
    • 250 KN, 500 kn, 1000 KN, 2000 KN is also available in with poly hydro pump unit.

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  • vicat needle

    Vicat Needle Apparatus

    • As Per IS:5513-1876 for determination of consistency of standard cement paste and initial and final setting times of cement.A frame with vertically move able rod having a cap at the vicat mold in the form of frustum of a cone with internal diameter of 60 mm at the top, 70 mm at the bottom and a height of 40 mm. Glass base plates for the mold. Initial setting time needle. Final setting time Needle. Consistency plunger.
    • The apparatus comprises the following:
    • Standard permeability cell made of brass, 12.5 mm inside dia with one perforated metal disc and one plunger.
    • A U-tube glass manometer with rubber coupling for permeability cell, mounted on a wooden stand .
    • Latex rubber tubing, 20c m long
    • Filter paper discs
    • 250 ml dibutyl phthalate liquid.

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